Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hi out there ! gloomy out there ?  Not here... my Sun is shining

I feel I'm being rushed... and to be honest I won't let that happen. I know my limitations; I know what I can do and what I can not !  Yes.., I get tire easily... but then, that's why "naps" exist. I'm not going to stop enjoying the things I love to save energy. What's saving energy going to give me...? more days, more, years. We are all going to die some day.. sooner or later.
I've lived my life, I have three wonderful boys and they have filled my life and have given me beautiful lovely girls to share my life with and adorable grand kids...  What else can I ask for ? I have my Sister Betty and Brothers to laugh, argue, disagree with, but we grew up together and made the best we could out of out lives. Dad is in heaven watching over me and "Mami" is still with us. A great  lovely family. When we get together we laugh and have fun. Yes... is hard to drag the Sun to stay on top  shining.... but I'm holding it tight.