Sunday, July 29, 2018


As my condition slowly progresses I'm becoming more and more drawn into finding ways to keep my mind active, enjoying what I love the most, which is my Art. My years as a Silk Artist will never be forgotten. Because of my MND (motor neuron disease) PMA (Progressive muscular atrophy) ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - better know as Lou Gehrig's disease or thru the Bucket Challenge) my hands are weaker by the day, my arms don't seem to follow me. I'm slower and I get this unexpected reaction from my body and my mind says "what is going on"? Hey ! I never knew what it is to have a MND... new to me, so everything I feel, everything my body is signaling is a learning experience. I keep repeating the expression " Oops!" why ? because suddenly I stumble, because my foot (specially my left) doesn't move for seconds, because in my "clumsiness" I end up bumping into things, because I loose balance... those are things new to me and then... "Oops"

I am know doing and inventory of all the images I created during my years as a Silk Artist and as I do that I am designing "Note cards" with them. I added a Store "who knows" in my website". All this is helping me forget about ALS-PMS-MND which nothing will stop and focus on something else, keep myself creative, busy and very active.

Let's keep hoping ALS awareness helps "Research" find some light to fight this relentless conditions "some of us get and no one wants"... find answers and solutions.

May the sun keep shining for us all !

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Florida ALS Clinics

Florida ALS Clinics: Leading the fight to treat and cure ALS through global research and nationwide advocacy while also empowering people with Lou Gehrig's Disease and their families to live fuller lives by providing them with compassionate care and support.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Three years ago today

Three years ago today !
.... what a mess ! My life changed completely...
it had slowly changed by me giving up my love, my passion, by far my greatest project “art on silk” my own “handsOnSilk”. work was not coming out good enough... Feb 2014 I left the gallery with the hope I would come back. Some therapy, some hand surgery, something would help me get back ... what a mess... !
May 6 2015..... test after test... lab after lab... Hey ! Is not on your head ! Hey... you are not putting up a show.. “you have a Motor Neuron Desease” ALS
Three years have gone by... today I feel my slow progression is building up speed and is time for me to slow down 😢

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Staying Strong

See the source image

I don’t blame you for my disability.....

I might get angry I just don’t want to let go of my own independence.

I used to do things easier before I just can’t do them any more.

I know exactly what to expect... although pain was not part of it... now I know it is and I’m learning as I go.

I will try, it might take me a bit longer ... but I will do it when I feel a bit stronger.

I might be weak but I will not quit !

Afraid..... I am. I see a walker and I cry inside.

I don’t want to show my weakness... but I know is time to have the walker in my life.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

El va ?

Escucho una cancion con la que no estoy de acuerdo

se me acabo el amor de tanto darlo....

no... el amor no se acaba asi,,,nada mas lindo que dar.

el amor se acaba  cuando no se cuida. Se seca, se desgasta....

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Es una palabra del antiguo Japón que significa “Vive hoy por el bien del mañana y no te olvides de sonreír” o su versión completa que es “nunca olvides quien eres y vive por hoy y por el mañana, que jamás se te olvide sonreír y por terrible que haya sido tu día recuerda que el próximo día el sol te recibirá con una gran sonrisa, tú has lo mismo”

"Con el tiempo se arregla todo"

Friday, October 13, 2017

Do not have a nice day... Have a day that matters

Make your days count, make your days meaningful.

Do not be a hysterical follower. Do not let people poison your mind and deceive you with media propaganda to create a violent monster out of you. 

Make sure you know the truth before you adventure into damaging others by your remarks. Don't be a gossiper. Do not live on what is trending but what is important.  

Every one is entitle to their on opinion to their own believes. 

Live and let live

Live and let live
Mind your own business


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

ALS: Fast, Slow, or ?

ALS: Fast, Slow, or ?: ALS: Fast, Slow, or ?

I followed Patty... Loved her. She was my inspiration. She passed away...  resting in peace

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Try Harder... You can do it..

There is no such a thing with ALS/MND. How more useless can someone feel !

There is not getting better, there is no: " if  you try you'll be able to do it. " 

How can I make people understand ALS is a relentless condition and research is slow. 

I am eager to hug and be hugged and feel the warmth of an embrace, because one day sooner or later and I know is coming,  I wont be able to. My arms wont respond. I can't try,  who am I kidding ? Should I just call it "quits" and just wait 'till the time comes ?... I can't show myself as tough any more.... or should I ? that would be deceiving !

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Let it be

I spend great part of my time brainstorming. I ask myself "How am I doing?"  What's going to happen ? How is it going to be ?   How do I hold on tight not to let go ?   How do I make it last ?  How do I stop the inevitable?  I want to use my time, I want to grasp the last drop of energy and live it to its fullest.... 

I want to stay Happy until my last breath.. I've learned there are beautiful things in life.... and I also learned...  laughter, friends...true friends  which I so long wished for and have, are priceless.

A friend told me..."sign of long life"  Please let it be...